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STS Drone Pilot Manoeuvres included in the Course


The STS course includes practical training designed to provide pilots with the necessary skills to operate a UAS safely and efficiently. During this training, participants will learn how to correctly perform pre-flight procedures, flight manoeuvres and abnormal situation management.



The practical programme is divided into the following phases:


Pre-flight measures

This phase explains the essential procedures to be carried out before commencing a flight. This includes the planning of the operation, taking into account the type of airspace and the characteristics of the flight area, as well as the pre-flight inspection and configuration of the UAS.

In-flight procedures

At this stage, flight manoeuvres will be executed, which are classified into two categories: manoeuvres in normal conditions and manoeuvres in abnormal conditions. The main ones are defined below:


Normal conditions:

  • Stationary flight, in the case of gyroplane type aircraft
  • Transition from hovering to forward flight (suitable only for gyroplane flights)
  • Ascent and descent from horizontal flight
Ascent and descent from horizontal flight
  • Turns in horizontal flight
Turns in horizontal flight
  • Horizontal flight speed control
Horizontal flight speed control
  • Actions after engine or propulsion system failure
Actions after engine or propulsion system failure
  • Evasive action (manoeuvring) to avoid collisions
Evasive action (manoeuvring) to avoid collisions
  • Real-time monitoring of UAS status and autonomy limitations

Abormal conditions:

  • Manage a partial or total lack of power of the unmanned aircraft propulsion system, ensuring the safety of third parties on the ground
Potencia Sis
  • Manage a situation where the positioning equipment of the unmanned aircraft has deteriorated
  • Manage a situation where a non-participating person enters the operational volume or controlled ground area, and take appropriate action to maintain security
  • React and take appropriate corrective action in situations where the unmanned aircraft may exceed the limits of the flight geography (contingency procedures) and operational volume (emergency procedures) defined during flight planning.
  • Manage the situation where an aircraft approaches operational volume
Aprox UAS
  • Demonstrating the method of recovery after a deliberate (simulated) loss of command and control link

Post-flight procedures

In this phase, the post-flight inspection of the UAS is carried out and the necessary records are generated.

If you are interested in the STS Drone Pilot Training Course, you can find more information on our website ⬇️

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Certification requirements for C1 Drones