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EU Drone Port becomes a UAS Notified Body!

After years of hard work, the Certification Body of EU Drone Port, has been designated as a Drone Notified Body!

During all this time, we set up a lab, we purchased lots of equipment, we calibrated absolutely everything, we trained our personnel, we hired new one, we passed many different audits…

And now, we can proudly say that our name is displayed on the Notified Bodies list from the European Commission.

Drone Notified Bodies in Europe - EU Drone Port

Our Certification Body has been accredited by ENAC according to the requirements in the standard UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17065 for product certification activities under DR (EU) 2019/945 amended by DR (EU) 2020/1058, and notified by the Spanish Aviation Safety Agency.

State of Regulations

Until recently, anyone could manufacture and sell drones without restrictions, posing potential safety risks to them and people not involved in the operation


From 1 January 2024, the DR (EU) 2019/945 mandates that practically all drone manufacturers undergo a rigorous certification process to ensure the safety of drones operating in European airspace.

What Does This Mean for Drone Manufacturers Worldwide?

Any drone manufacturer wishing to market their aircraft in the European Union and EFTA must choose one of the six certification bodies recognised by the European Commission, including EU Drone Port.

Conformity Assessment Procedure: Module B

The accredited conformity assessment procedure is the Module B, through an EU-Type Examination, in which the manufacturer ultimately achieves a Class Identification Label.

Category of Products: C0 to C6 & DRI Kit

Our accreditation englobes all drones in the open & specific category, and also DRI add-ons.

  • C0 UAS
  • C1 UAS
  • C2 UAS
  • C3 UAS
  • C4 UAS
  • C5 UAS
  • C6 UAS
  • DRI Add-on

Global Recognition

According to (CE) 765/2008, article 11, we are now recognised by all National Authorities from the European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Additionally, under the recognition agreements signed by our Accreditation Body within the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), the accredited reports/certificates issued by the Certification Body of EU Drone Port will be recognised by accreditation bodies in over 100 countries around the world.
International Notified Body - EU Drone Port

Why Choose EU Drone Port?


  • Full Scope: We are accredited for C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 UAS & DRI add-on.


  • Pricing: We provide the most competitive pricing in Europe.


  • Agility: We guarantee to deliver the evaluation report within 45 days from the commencement of tests.


  • Singularity: We are the only European Notified Body that focuses 100% on drones. We speak your language.

See you soon!

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