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UAS Operations in Air Demonstrations under EU Regulation 2019/947

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Engaging in UAS operations within the context of an air demonstration is governed by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947. This regulation, applicable to both professional and recreational users, mandates compliance for those involved in sporting, recreational, competition, and exhibition activities.

The regulation provides detailed guidelines for unmanned aircraft systems, personnel—including remote pilots—and participating organisations. The operational categories, categorised as ‘open,’ ‘specific,’ and ‘certified,’ are determined by the risk associated with the operation.

Exceptions and Additional Regulations for Air Demonstrations

It’s important to note that demonstrations classified as ‘NO EASA,’ such as customs, police, search and rescue, fire-fighting, border control, coastal surveillance, or similar activities, are exempt from this Regulation.

Furthermore, Royal Decree 1919/2009 of 11 December 2009, which regulates aeronautical safety in civil air demonstrations, is applicable to any publicly announced demonstration, whether open to the general public or with restricted access.

Procedural Guidelines for Civil Aerial Demonstrations: Declaration Submission and Exceptions

The organiser is required to submit a declaration confirming adherence to the stipulations, a minimum of 15 days before the scheduled demonstration. Alongside this responsible declaration, the organiser must furnish all pertinent airspace usage data to facilitate the issuance of a NOTAM (Notice to Airmen).

This procedural step is essential to seek approval for the declaration of civil aeronautical conformity, a prerequisite for conducting a civil aerial demonstration. Additionally, this process can be employed for presenting the responsible declaration in specific cases where obtaining the declaration of aeronautical conformity is not mandatory.

Upon completion of the application and attachment of the requisite documents, the registration will be processed, and a receipt containing the registration number and date will be issued.

The procedure also encompasses the submission of the responsible declaration for exceptions, including:

  1. Events exclusively involving manned balloons.

  2. Demonstrations solely comprising skydiving exhibitions.

  3. Exhibits limited to specific activities such as non-motorised skydiving, hang gliding, paragliding, hang gliding and motorised paragliding, or model airplanes.

  4. Civil air demonstrations or exhibitions with restricted access not open to the general public.

For demonstrations conducted by a single UAS operator authorised by EASA in a specific category, NOTAM requests should be directly addressed to air traffic providers or ENAIRE at least 15 calendar days in advance, depending on whether the air demonstration occurs in controlled or uncontrolled airspace. This request should specify the relevant form needed for the particular airspace volume.